Acupuncture and Postpartum care in Brisbane

Postpartum care for mum and bub

Welcoming a new baby into your family is exciting. Whether it is your first baby or there are already siblings, there is going to be a massive adjustment in your family dynamics. Moreover, the many months of pregnancy and the process of giving birth can take a big toll on the new mum’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

In today’s modern society, most of the focus is given to the newborn, while in the Chinese tradition the care for the new mum is in the centre of attention. The first 40 days are considered a period of rest (Zou Yue Zi or literally “sitting the month”) which is crucial to rebuild the mum’s health. In the traditional point of view, this in turn will ensure her ability to take care of her family in the long run and it has also long-lasting effects on her reproductive health and aging.

During a 40-day period of rest, the new mum should be relieved from all duties except for feeding and caring for her baby. Traditionally, her family and extended network will provide nourishing foods and take over any household duties.

It is also a period of seclusion for the vulnerable mum to recover. This means the new mum and bub stay at home as much as possible to keep themselves sheltered from undesirable influences, such as too many people, undesirable emotions (stress) or strong weather influences.  

Six things that you as a partner, parent, sibling or friend can do to help a new mum.

  1. ·      Ask what she needs (a shower, fresh air, food, water especially if breastfeeding (!) or a break from holding bub). Run errands for her where needed.
  2. Prepare warm and nourishing food and snacks from breakfast (porridge, eggs, pancakes) to long cooked soups and stews (ideally on the basis of bone broth which can assist tissue repair and recovery). Meat is very beneficial during this period and if vegetarian, you may use legumes (adzuki and black beans) to create a nourishing soup or stew.
  3. Make sure she and bub feel comfortable (blanket, heater/cool aircon etc.)
  4. If you see any household chores (baby bottles etc.), take care of them.
  5. Assure her she is doing a wonderful job and let her know you are there to support.
  6. If she wants or needs a therapeutic (massage, acupuncture etc.) or medical treatment during that time offer to come along and look after bub for her.

How can Acupuncture and Chinese medicine support the new mum?

Welcoming a newborn to the family is a big transition in many aspects. Acupuncture can help and support a new mum in case of stress and overwhelm, which is often fueled by sleep deprivation. Also, if the mum is choosing to breastfeed it may come with a multitude of challenges, such as milk supply shortage which in turn causes more stress and more supply issues. There may also be lingering pain from a natural birth or a caesarean, which may make it more difficult to take care of bub. Here at the Bright Side Family Acupuncture we offer acupuncture, moxibustion and herbal tonics which are wonderful options for a new mum to help rebuild strength and support her recovery post birth. Chinese medicine acknowledges the strong natural bond between mum and bub’s wellbeing, hence by taking care of mum’s health bub is always being supported too.

Do you have more questions?

Get in touch with our Brisbane based acupuncture clinic to schedule a free phone call in which we identify the next possible steps for you and how acupuncture, tui na massage, diet and lifestyle may support you. We at The Bright Side Family Acupuncture would love to support you and your family on your health journey!  




(1) Find more inspiration and recipes from Heng Ou’s The First Fourty Days.

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