Auxiliary Treatments
Cupping, Moxa, Ear-Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture,
GuaSha, Bloodletting

Cupping therapy is a Chinese Medicine therapy which involves placing cups on the skin to create a negative pressure through either heat (fire cupping) or suction (modern style vacuum cups). Cupping typically leaves round marks on the body as often seen on athletes. They may stay for several days and fade gradually. Unlike bruises these marks do not hurt. Cupping therapy is often performed alongside acupuncture to assist with the release of muscular tension or help with internal organ imbalances. There are several methods of cupping that are chosen according to the desired therapeutic action, including stationary cupping, sliding cupping or flash cupping.
There are a few different ways to apply cups on the body, such as sliding cupping and stationary cupping. In both methods, suction is applied to the cups, but less suction in the sliding cupping, as it will be moved up and down using oil on the skin, which aims to increase the local circulation, while in the stationary method the cups are left in place.
Cupping is a very efficient way to release tension from the body, so it is ideal for any patient presenting with musculoskeletal pain. Traditionally, we regard cupping as a way to “release pathogenic factors” from the body and “remove stasis”, aiming to increase the local circulation and decrease pain. There are many other uses and benefits to cupping. If you are wondering whether cupping is suitable for you, please get in touch with us!

Gua Sha
Gua sha is a traditional Chinese therapy which involves stroking the skin with a smooth edged gua sha tool to increase local circulation. This leaves small red dots under your skin (petechiae). The marks are painless and stay usually for a few days.

Warmth can be a very important factor in a treatment. We use moxibustion (short moxa) as a both beautiful and gentle technique that helps stimulate and warm select meridians, acupuncture points or body areas. Moxibustion involves the burning of a pressed herb called mugwort (ai ye). We use it to restore the flow of Qi and blood in the body, which in turn aims to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. At our Brisbane based Family Acupuncture clinic, we use mainly smokeless moxibustion and rice grain moxibustion, both of which do not create much smoke in the room and are very pleasant to smell.

Electro Acupuncture
In some acupuncture treatments, we add electrostimulation for an enhanced treatment outcome. This involves a pulsating electrical current to the acupuncture needles. Electroacupuncture is a rather modern concept which has been developed over the last century and may be used to replace the traditional manual manipulation to stimulate and enhance the flow of Qi.
A small electrode is attached to a needle to create a gentle vibration that stimulates the flow of Qi through the point or tissues. When electroacupuncture is used on points or muscles, this can enhance the needle’s effect and therefore reduce the time of needle retention. Electrostimulation also expands on the area surrounding the needle.
Electrostimulation is a technique that is applicable to a variety of treatments, such as musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. It can be used in cases of excess such as in spasms, blockage due to acute or chronic injuries as well as in cases of deficiency such as in muscular atrophy.

Ear Acupuncture/Ear Seeds
Ear (auricular) acupuncture is a modern acupuncture system developed in the last century and well known for its diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Points/areas are selected according to a microsystem, i.e. a map that shows correspondences with certain body areas or organs. Today, ear acupuncture is widely used for a variety of conditions. At the Bright Side Acupuncture clinic, we commonly use ear points in addition to body acupuncture or as an extension of treatment by applying ear seeds or tacks before you leave.

Bloodletting is a very traditional technique within Chinese medicine that involves pricking the skin, either on a certain acupuncture point or on visible areas such as clusters of spider veins. The amount of bleeding produced is very small, which is why I often prefer to call this technique microbleeding. We use the technique on certain body points, such as for example on the ear, the fingers or the back of the legs. We use single use safety lancets (‘clickers’) allowing a most comfortable application.
Patients may sense a little prick or as little as pressure on the skin. This is because we mostly use single-use safety lancets which are commonly used on newborns and allow a most comfortable application. For spiderveins, we use sterile hypodermic needles to prick these superficial small veins which again will feel like a quick pricking sensation. The amounts of blood that naturally exits from those veins vary and are minor when compared to the average blood sampling quantities.
Bloodletting is great to get things moving. In Chinese medicine, we always aim to remove stagnation from the body. A famous saying goes: Tong Ze Bu Tong, Bu Tong Ze Tong. Tong Ze Bu Tong. It means: “If there is no free flow, there is pain; if there is free flow, there is no pain.” Bloodletting is just one of many ways to achieve this. It is very appropriate in some cases and in other cases, the practitioner may find a different modality like moxibustion or Tui Na Massage more suitable to the client. Traditionally, it is also seen as an efficient way to remove pathogens from the body, such as “clearing heat” from the body. Bloodletting is often suggested when there is acute pain, like people who suffer from a throbbing headache or acute pain from gout or endometriosis.
Not Sure What You Need?
Simply give us a call and we will be happy to chat with you about how our treatments can assist you in reaching your health goals.